Sunday, August 26, 2012

The First Few Miles

           Hello, and welcome to "Hitting the Road". As you maybe can tell, this blog is about cars. I will be talking about cars of the present, cars of the past, and probably some that will come in the future. My plan is to give you my opinion on what cars I think are the coolest. I will also do some price comparisons. My dream is to own some of the cars that I will be talking about. I have loved cars my entire life, and once you have a passion for something, you never let it go. I will never let go of my passion for cars. Something about the noise they make and the power they produce keeps me attached. Be forewarned.  I will not be talking about the Prius' or Prii or whatever they call them. This blog is all about muscle and horsepower. Feel free to leave comments related to cars and information that could help me with future blog posts. Please refrain from leaving comments that are non-constructive. I think that this will be a fun blog and I look forward to talking about cars with the rest of the car loving community.    
I will be using the website Car and Driver

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